Anti Inflammatory Diet Tips

Feb 9, 2011

Anti Inflammatory Diet Tips

Inflammation is defined as a localized reaction of tissue to irritation, injury, or infection. Symptoms of inflammation include pain, swelling, red coloration to the area, and sometimes loss of movement or function. We commonly think of inflammation as the painful component of arthritis. Inflammation is also a component of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and strokes.
Common medical anti-inflammatory treatments include rest, light exercise, weight maintenance, stretching, and medications designed to reduce the inflammation and control the pain. These medications include non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroid medications, and perhaps ultimately joint replacement surgery. The NSAIDs are widely used as the initial form of therapy.
when you are choosing anti-inflammatory foods to help reduce your inflammation and pain, choose fresh foods instead of heavily processed foods. Here are some tips:
Breakfast could be oatmeal served with fresh berries and walnuts, with a cup of soy milk.
Snack on whole fruits, nuts, seeds, and fresh vegetables throughout the day instead of cookies and candy.
Eat more fish and less fatty red meat.
Stay away from deep-fried foods, and bake or stir fry your meals instead.
Choose green, orange, and yellow vegetables for your side dishes.
Drink plenty of water, fresh 100% fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas and green tea.
This eight-minute video is the distilled essence of my nutritional teaching! In it, I outline the fundamental elements of my Anti-Inflammatory Diet – including what to eat, what not to eat and other essential bites of food wisdom.


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